I am an experienced life coach with many tools to handle your unique situation. Contact me so we can talk. You'll be amazed at just how many options you actually have!

Services Offered

Mirror/Image Coaching

Society and family can  influence who we believe we are even if it's a negative perception. Take back the control of your life and be who you really are. Let me help you find the true you and teach you not just to live but to thrive! Change your perception and change your life.

Relationship Coaching

What's keeping you from having a healthy relationship? Whether it's with a spouse, family member, co-worker, or friend, relationships take work. The healthier we are, the healthier or relationships will be. Learn key elements necessary to develop and keep a healthy relationship.

Group Coaching

Group coaching is designed for any group larger than 2 people, including families, churches, clubs, and businesses alike. We prepare a custom built program for your team, working together to meet your goals.

"Some of your best choices will be contrary to opinion and popularity, so choose you".


Plan A

4-1hr sessions per mon
paid monthly or per session

We meet once every week for 1 hour
Those new to coaching find this option very beneficial to the learning curve. Meeting once a week provides added support needed to maintain focus, responsibility, and meet set goals.

Plan B

2-1 hr sessions per month
paid monthly or per session

Every other week we meet for 1 hour 
Individuals who choose this option find having a week to work on a project/goal allows for trial and error. The week of coaching partnered with the week of implementation offer additional insight to personal growth.


Group Coaching

Pricing may vary

Meeting dates and times arranged during initial consultation
Leaders needing to increase communication, improve morale, initiate healing, sharpen team focus, or strengthen self-care find using the group approach promotes participation and increases team building. 

Free Consult


Free 15 minute initial consultation

The initial consultation is prepared for new individuals considering coaching services. We discuss areas of concern and potential plans of execution, including agreed upon sessions. 

"Make a choice that put you in position to make another choice".